Braga’s Magik Book bridges paper catalogues with digital devices

By May 18, 2018

Using advanced magnetic field technology for martech purposes, Braga’s Magik Book is the first physical catalogue that connects to digital devices.

Launched on May 9, Magik Book is bound by a case which folds out into a stand, angling the device in the direction of the user and with the book itself laid flat.

A custom-built app shows content tailored to each page of the book, offering an augmented reality experience with the physical object in the hands of the customer.

The apps are tailor-made to each client and can include media such as panoramic photos, interactive videos, or digital product modelling but can facilitate sales, for example through a click-to-buy option or an email update registration.

As Magik Book’s pages are turned, the smartphone or tablet responds with synchronized videos, animations, music, images, and interactive models.

“Magik Book combines physical and digital, traditional and contemporary, setting itself apart as a marketing solution and offering brands a real opportunity to stand out in a crowded market — integrating both elements makes for a more personal and memorable customer experience,” said Magik Book Founder and CEO Hugo Ribeiro in a press release.

paper digital devices

Aiming to replace standard paper catalogues, Magik Book is designed as a marketing tool for luxury products for use in showrooms, stores, at events, or to send to customers.

Blurring the line between traditional marketing methods and more modern marketing technology, also known as martech, the company out of Braga is digging in to an industry that is worth an estimated $34 billion.

The product by the company of the same name counts on patented advanced magnetic field technology, which takes advantage of compasses and other sensors within digital devices. The tech requires no batteries or pairing, and is compatible across iOS and Android devices.

Coinciding with the launch of Magik Book, the company is simultaneously launching its new online platform, the Magik Book Creator, on which small to medium-sized businesses can
design their own catalogue and upload digital content to synchronize to each page. The tool will enable brands to custom-build their own Magik Book experience and will allow for smaller orders.