Coimbra Genomics awarded as a promise on eHealth

By May 13, 2015

Endorsed by the Health and Wellbeing Unit of the European Commission, TICBioMed promoted The eHealth Competition to reward the best eHealth/mHealth solutions produced by European SMEs.

Besides recognizing the best eHealth SMEs at European level, the competition is meant to support their business success by giving them visibility together with marketing opportunities to attract customers, partners and external capital.

The event took place on the 11th of May 2015 in Riga (Latvia), as a satellite event of the eHealth Week conference, one of the most important eHealth events in Europe.

From 114 applicants from all over the continent, the Portuguese startup Coimbra Genomics got the second place as one of the biggest promises on the field.

Coimbra GenomicsCoimbra Genomics develops clinical decision support systems based on a patient’s whole genome sequence. The goal is to bring individualized medicine to the desktop of every doctor by developing tools that bridge genomic knowledge and medical practice, making it easy for any physician to make important decisions adapted to each patient’s genetic makeup.

The startup was created in 2013 by Critical Software and received investment by Portugal Ventures and Critical Ventures in the same year.

The winner of the competition was the German startup SOMA analytics.