Meet one of the first travel guide apps available on Apple Watch

By Apr 24, 2015

More than just an ordinary watch, the Apple Watch offers all the features we can find in Apple’s smartphones, and even some extra ones. The Portuguese startup iClio, from Coimbra, didn’t miss the opportunity to update its travel guide app, the JiTT – Just in Time Tourist,  to support this new device.

JiTT is an intelligent offline audio guide. It generates the best tour for the time you have and the place you are in. Storytellers take you around and along your route, tell you the fascinating stories that give the unique character and charm to the city.

jitt watch london

In the JiTT user experience, Apple Watch allows a more complete experience to the tourist as it frees the user from the need to carry their smartphone in the hand. The mobile application can be controlled from the Apple Watch, creating a new way to discover the city. According to the manufacturer, the Apple Watch is a heart and fitness monitor, a mini computer, a mini phone, and is also a normal digital watch. Latest pre­‐sale figures on the Apple Watch are already at more than 2.3 million units, making it clear that there’s already great excitement and anticipation for the latest Apple gadget, which will be available from today.

The first JiTT app being updated to support the Apple Watch was the London Premium, but the 11 other cities already available on the regular version will follow.

iClio produces and edits original content in the areas of History, Heritage and Culture with a mission to combine digital technology with quality content, creating innovative and enriching products.

SEE ALSO: Tourism in Portugal: sun, food and guess what? Startups!

If you are one of the 2.3 million that already pre-ordered the Apple watch, you can start thinking about exploring London in a whole new way! Get it here.