What if tourism agents could “fight” for travelers?

By Mar 9, 2015

Let me introduce you to UBEOS, a 100% Portuguese startup project aiming to provide a greater convenience to the customer when it comes to planning a trip.

UBEOS was launched on February 25th and it’s trying to shake the travel booking process by challenging travel agents. Now they have to “fight” each other in order to provide the best offer, following the customer requirements.

According to Carlos Carvalho, owner and leader of UBEOS:

the primary goal is to facilitate the client’s life. It was about time to “turn the tide” and launch a challenge to tourism agents that now have the opportunity to show all their valences by providing conditions they consider the most attractive to the client. The latter just has to wait for the best offer, and then, decide which one best suits his travel needs.

Wrapping up, it’s a 3 steps process. We submit our travel requirements; the tourism agents will offer custom made solutions; in the end we just pick the best one.

It ends up being a win-win situation to both parties. The client wins in life quality, because he no longer has to worry about all the details. He just needs to have access to a device with an internet connection to be able to convey his requirements. Moreover, the tourism agent has the opportunity to conquer a wider market and, therefore, more clients.

says Carlos Carvalho.

The idea behind UBEOS was born about two years ago. Under another name, it won a Startup Weekend and got a 2nd place in the Global Startup Battle, held in San Francisco in 2013.

This project was developed in an incubation environment, in BOLD Innovation, an area of BOLD International exclusively dedicated to promote and develop innovating projects of authorship of its co-workers.

Let’s try to find the best travel deals!