Alexander Osterwalder is coming to Portugal

By Oct 5, 2014

You might not recognize the name of the man, but if you’re into startups, you surely have heard of the Business Model Generation and recognize this:

Business Model Canvas

Alexander Osterwalder, co-author of Business Model Generation, the book that brings us the well-known tool for startups, the Business Model Canvas, is coming to Portugal to deliver a full day workshop on the subject.

The workshop is part of TECNET 2014, an event in its second edition, dedicated to technology, creativity, innovation, tech and social entrepreneurship, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors and entrepreneurship promoters.

The event is taking place at Oliva Tower, São João da Madeira, promoted by TecParques, Sanjotec and Portus Parc, next 17th and 18th October.

For more information, visit TECNET website.

Photo credits: TEDx Botkyrka – Ola Hedin