Hole19 hits 1 million golfers around the world

By Jan 19, 2017

The Portuguese application that is revolutionizing the Golf business, Hole19, has just reached the milestone of 1 million golfers. Since its launch, more than 5.5 million rounds have been carried out on more than 40,000 Golf courses mapped by the application.

Hole19 helps players on the ground with GPS distances, course maps, statistical monitoring and many other features. It is innovating the way Golf is played around the world, allowing professionals and casual players to improve their game in three different moments:

  • before: By allowing golfers to discover and book their rounds of golf;
  • during: By providing precise GPS distances, as well as score and statistical tracking;
  • after: By letting golfers review, share and rebook their rounds.



Anthony Douglas, founder and CEO of Hole19, believes that technology can bring new opportunities to golf and tourism:

This industry is worth more than $100 billion and, with the right technology, it can increase its value and bring new opportunities to the golf and tourism business. By connecting golfers to each other and connecting them with clubs and golf courses around the world, Hole19 is bringing new opportunities to this industry, rejuvenating it, and making it increasingly trendy in the eyes of digital natives.

SEE ALSO: Worldwide Golf lovers: this is Hole 19