Startup Simplex: Ideas to simplify public services

By Mar 16, 2016

Communications, shopping, transportation, health, finances – we can see the transformation technology is making in all these areas. A real revolution is happening right now in a global context but, when we think about public services, it feels like we’re still living in 20th century.

Startup Simplex is a Portuguese government initiative that aims at changing this reality by applying more simplicity to public services, supporting ideas and entrepreneurs able to innovate and improve the quality of public services.

We are looking for good ideas (products and services) that simplify our citizens/companies relations with public services. What we want is to find, support and award that good idea that will simplify 10 million people lives in Portugal.

– Graça Fonseca, Assistant Secretary of State for Administrative Modernization

Three ideas will be chosen to be part of Simplex program, that will support their development and implementation. The jury is composed by successful entrepreneurs as Paulo Pereira Silva (CEO at Renovaand Cristina Fonseca (Co-Founder at Talkdeskand chaired by João Tiago Silveira maker of two “simplified services”: Empresa na Hora and Casa Pronta.

Ideas can be submitted till April 20th on Startup Simplex website in a very simple way: 400 characters plus an image. What are you waiting for?