Get to know the Lisbon Challenge Spring’16 class

By Mar 29, 2016

Lisbon Challenge is back to accelerate another batch of Startups. Entrepreneurs, investors and mentors got together and carefully handpicked 13 finalists after analyzing each startup application.

Taking in consideration that you just opened this article to get to know the finalists, with no further delay, here they are:

Cryptopay (United Kingdom)

CryptopayCRYPTOPAY is a bitcoin digital bank that allows to manage the everyday bitcoin needs (buying, selling and storing) along with the traditional banking services (payments, ATM withdrawals, FX conversions) in a cheaper and faster way than traditional high street banks.

Eat Tasty (Portugal)

Eat Tasty connects home cooks and people ready to buy homemade food with an app that manages an hyper-local network of cooks, customers and suppliers. Everything is controlled from the ingredients to promoting competitive prices and making sure the Home Chefs receive their deserved income.

Fresh Land (Denmark)

Fresh.Landfreshland is an online B2B trading platform between farmers and retailers. It replaces 3-5 middlemen, delivering freshly harvested produce from tree to store in days rather than months. It also grants farmers twice the price for their produce while providing retailers with higher-quality produce at lower prices.

Homcut (France)

homcutHomcut is a platform that allows to easily find, choose and book a professional hairdresser and bring him at home or office, fully equipped and at the same price of a salon.

Infraspeak (Portugal)

infraspeakInfraspeak allows companies responsible for large (or dispersed) infrastructures and maintenance services providers to excel at facility and asset management, through their software. It increases the control and productivity of the costumers, reducing bureaucracy, risks and costs.

Moyupi (Spain)

Moyupimoyupi turns children’s drawings into unique toys, through a 3D printing technology and a team of artists, boosting the children’s creativity and bringing them back to the playground.

MyWineTour (Estonia)

my wine tourMyWineTour is like a personal wine expert, tour organizer and navigator teamed up in a Mobile App to recommend well-suiting wineries and personalized wine tasting tours according to a user’s taste and other preferences.

RealLife English (Brazil)

RealLife EnglishrealLife’s platform connects English teachers and courses to anyone that wants to work on their English fluency, through an instant face-to-face video chat.

Rnters (Portugal)

RNTERSRnters is an online community platform where both rental companies and individuals can rent any personal item to other users in a safe way. It is a sharing economy facilitator.

TeamOutLoud (Portugal)

teamoutloudTeamOutLoud is a social app for companies with a powerful employee recognition system that allows to increase employee engagement.

Tripaya (Portugal)

tripayaTripaya makes it easier to plan a trip or vacation by helping travelers to choose a destination based on interests and budget.

WeRoll (Portugal)

WeRoll promotes group-storytelling through an app that creates private Rolls for each story, where any user involved can add pictures in real time, contributing to a feed that gives a real sense of the whole story.

Wonderoute (Portugal)

wonderouteWonderoute is an online platform that enables travelers to request tailor-made travel guides to locals.

We’ll have them on the radar to make sure we keep you posted.