Defining the ultimate vision

By Jun 19, 2015

You know what they say: do what you love and you won’t have to work one day in your life. Or is it?

As a professional, you might find some conflict between what you love and what you do. When you’re an entrepreneur, working 15 hour a day, at some point you’ll need to stop and rethink your priorities and define your ultimate vision.

Robert Hanlon-Schafer is an Austrian entrepreneur living in Sydney that has been challenging students from all over the world to grow as professionals but also developing their ambitions in the direction of their life purpose by reminding them that the most successful individuals always love what they do.

On a roadshow throughout Europe, Robert made some stops in Portugal to leave an inspiring message to the Portuguese entrepreneurs. According to him, the education system was built to serve the industry and not the students, so there’s a need to turn things around.

Think about one regular day of your life. What’s the percentage of time you spend working, what’s the percentage of time you spend with your friends and your family and how much time you spend on your hobbies?

If money was not a factor to take into consideration, what would those numbers look like if they were like you’d like them to be?

Robert provoked the audience with this and more challenges. He defends that all passions can be turned into money.

As a very pragmatic person, and thinking of a new generation of Portuguese entrepreneurs that are already passionately working over night, eager to build successful businesses, I asked Robert for some practical advice to get started on finding the ultimate vision. And now, I quote:

1 – Stop trusting teachers

At school we used to be taught that if we were good students and gave the right answers success was guaranteed. Not anymore.

2 – Stop working for money

You have to find your passion, regardless if someone is gonna pay you or not for it. You’re gonna be far more competitive than the people doing it for money.

3 – Start challenging the status quo in terms of regulation

Bureaucracy is still delaying the launching of new companies. The industries are the ones to challenge and motivate the rules.

4 – Find your right network

Surround yourself with people that can help you sustain what you’re trying to build.

5 – Have fun

It’s not all about work…

Photo credits: MnM Institute