Opportunities for early stage entrepreneurs

By Mar 20, 2015

Entrepreneurship is blooming in Portugal but we frequently hear people saying they miss opportunities to help on the kickoff. So, we collected some in case you have missed them. Bigger or smaller, they might be helpful, depending on the stage your project is in. Be aware of them in the next weeks.


iup25kiUP25k is a Business Ideas Competition promoted by the University of Porto (UP) as an awareness-raising tool for entrepreneurship and creation of innovation based businesses.

The competition is targeted at UP Alumni, teachers, investigators or students, but also at people not connected to the University.

Applications are open till April 19th and after some phases of learning and selection, the winner will be awarded with €15.000, incubation and mentoring services, including support on the intellectual property protection. The second and third places will receive €5.000 worth incubation and mentoring services and support on the intellectual property diagnosis.

Website: http://iup25k.opencloud.pro/

Call for Entrepreneurship – Portugal Ventures

Portugal VenturesThe Call For Entrepreneurship is the entry point to the Ignition Program, a new initiative led by Portugal Ventures to promote investment for market-oriented scientific and technological projects in the Seed Capital phase. Portugal Ventures expects to invest up to 20 million Euros per year in its Ignition Program.

The Call For Entrepreneurship is carried out periodically. The application for the 11th call will start on the 27th April.

Website: http://www.portugalventures.pt/en/content/call-entrepreneurship-7

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

erasmusErasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in the 28 EU Members States and 9 other participating countries, including Liechtenstein, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Turkey, Albania, Serbia and Israel.

The program is implemented with the assistance of the Intermediary Organizations that are officially appointed by the European Commission.

If you’re a Portuguese founder willing to receive a foreign entrepreneur or a Portuguese entrepreneur willing to go abroad and learn from a foreign founder, contact one the Portuguese Intermediary Organizations:

Applications are ongoing and don’t have a deadline.

Website: http://www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu/index.php

CINC – 9.º Concurso de Ideias de Negócio de Cascais

DNA CascaisThis an initiative developed by DNA.Cascais to capture business ideas and facilitate access to funding sources, promoting innovative projects in activity sectors with strong growth potential.

It is addressed to early stage projects related to the areas of Environment/Energy, Health, Tourism, Social Entrepreneurship, Information and Communication Technologies and Trade/Services.

The winning project receives a modest €2.500 prize to be part of the capital stock of the new company or to strengthen the company if it already exists. The finalists also receive support in the preparation of business plans and connection to possible investors.

Applications are open till April 30th.

Website: http://www.dnacascais.pt/9.%C2%BA-Concurso-de-Ideias-de-Neg%C3%B3cio-de-Cascais.aspx?ID=626



A mix between challenges and workshops with prizes till €12.500.

The challenges are 4:

  • Challenge Startup 2.0: For established startups. It aims to accelerate the development of startups and reward those with the  most outstanding project. The winning project will receive €5.000.
  • Challenge Startup 1.0: For the idea stage, where the best idea will win a prize of 1000€ and a travel to Tech Hub London.
  • Social Media Challenge: People will work in teams to solve a real problem of growth of a Startup, through a creative social media strategy. The prize for the best solution is a travel to Tech Hub London.
  • Social Entrepreneurship Challenge: People will work in teams to find a solution for social problems. There’s a €1.000 for the best solution.

Applications are ongoing.

Website: http://www.bet24horas.pt/