Targetalent is the Winner of the Young Entrepreneurship Award

By Nov 28, 2014

The Portuguese startup Targetalent won this Thursday the Young Entrepreneurship Award promoted by the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE). Targetalent develops diagnostic tests, using a differentiated technology with bio-digital interface, which allows a fast diagnosis of pathologies. Their winning solution, Blue Stain, is a non-invasive, quick and painless kit, able to detect cancer, specially oral, through the collection of human body cells. The fact that there are no other solutions capable of making an early diagnosis of the oral cavity diseases, combined with the benefit of having both exam and results in the same appointment with the doctor, places Blue Stain as a truly innovative project.

According to Paula Melo, one of the founders:

There is no other solution in the world like ours. Besides that, it has the potential to be quickly developed and introduced in the market, and has a relatively low production cost.

Targetalent won not only a monetary prize of 20k euros, but also other supporting services worthing 10k (like one year of incubation).

This year’s edition of the Young Entrepreneur Awards also distinguished Peekmed with an honorable mention. Peekmed provides 3D orthopedic surgical planning tools. This technology helps the orthopedic surgeon to intuitively and freely manipulate the 3D model created through the imaging study of the patient. The osteosynthesis material of various companies can be added to the planning in the system, allowing the orthopedic surgeon to analyze the surgery’s impact.Prémio do Jovem Empreendedor

Created in 1998, the award is already in the 16th edition and has the support of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP). This year’s ceremony was included in the Entrepreneur’s Fair, an event happening until tomorrow, that brings together a wide range of people and projects to foster entrepreneurship, job creation and innovation.